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Friday, January 18, 2013

Django Toys Discontinued!!!


Weinstein Co. announced that it asked toymaker NECA to discontinue the "Django Unchained" action figure dolls when there had been complaints of the dolls being offensive. "They were meant to be collectibles for people 17 years and older, which is the audience for the film." It would seem that the dolls weren't necessarily created to be offensive.

Now take a look at the Obama monkey that hasn't been discontinued.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Why Drink it when you can smoke it!!!

Well Vaporize it anyway a little different from smoking it. Thats right you can actually now vaporize your favorite hard liquor. I'm definitly gonna buy me one of these!!! It's the new Vaportini. You can have your own by going to this site.

Check out the article about Vaportini from

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Gun Free Zone

Everyone is debating on what to do about gun control and the stream of tragedies of late. I'm not sure what the correct answer is to protect our rights and our family business or property but one thing is certain what we are doing now isn't working.

Preacher Phil Snider gives interesting gay rights speech

                                   I love this speach!!! Clever very clever Pastor Phil Snider!!!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I'm Gonna Make My Kids Watch This When They Are Teens!!!

If they would have showed this video along with the sex education in high school there might have not been as many babies conceived on prom night!!!

Wow!!! Didn't know Ronald had a sister!!! Whats up Rhonda...wink wink!!!

This is a real Mcdonald's commercial from Japan. I bet the food still tastes bad but they def have a hotter spokes model!!!